با عرض پوزش، پخش کننده ویدیویی بارگیری نشد(کد خطا: 101104)

Building with Grian - Voxel Sniper Basics Tutorial

Here it is, the long awaited Voxel Sniper tutorial! I know only a few people have access to this plugin on whatever server they play, so I know it doesn#039; t appeal to all. Voxel sniper is a plugin for servers for 1. 8 and below I hope for those of you who are interested in making mountains / terrain - but didn#039; t know where to start, this helps. As always give me feedback, and sorry this took so long! 11 minutes is a long video to edit! Follow me! ►Twitter: https://twitter. com/GrianMC ►Twitch: ht

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