CS:GO Mouse Aim/Input lag/delay/Screen tearing Fix! ( NVIDIA GPU Users, works on ALL games too! )
First of all, this fix is for NVIDIA GPU users, sadly for AMD users, I have no idea. I made this video to help you guys to fix the Mouse delay/lag that occurs in CS:GO when you rack up the Anti - Aliasing or just having problems by the bare game itself. This method GREATLY reduces the input delay/lag of the mouse ( Like mouse smoothing ) for better accuracy in FPS games. YES, you heard that right. This Fix is for ALL games. Not for CS:GO only. This method can fix Battlefield 4, COD, and every other game that e
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- # Input lag
- # CS:GO
- # csgo
- # Mouse fix CSGO
- # Input delay
- # Mouse Fix
- # gaming
- # Mouse Acceleration
- # Mouse delay