World of Warcraft: Escape End Time To An Empty Dalaran !!

In today#039; s video I escape a Dungeon and end up in an empty floating city in the sky ; ) http://www. Yactronix. com/?Click=16 ( use promotional code "babyface" for a 7% discount !!! ) http://www. twitch. tv/heelvsbabyface ( Live Streaming ) https://www. facebook. com/pages/Heel - vs - Babyface/439979786044998 ( Facebook ) https://twitter. com/HeelvsBabyface ( Twitter ) http://eu. battle. net/wow/en/character/thunderhorn/Azbats/simple ( Armory ) https://www. youtube. com/channel/UCo4XlmOC4YXw7LqHMjDs7sQ ( Title Se

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