SumiYa The Best Invoker in the World! Counter PA Mid 30 Kills Epic Combo Gameplay Dota 2
SumiYa The Best Invoker in the World! Counter PA Mid 30 Kills Epic Combo Gameplay Dota 2 Invoker is a ranged intelligence hero who is very difficult to master. He is unique in that he possesses a total of 14 abilities in his arsenal; three of them - Quas, Wex, and Exort - are reagents and one is his special ultimate Invoke Subscribe For More Videos: https://www. youtube. com/channel/UCKCC6yRZor2qsGbO_x7LpuA?sub_confirmation=1 Dota 2 Meta Channel - Uploading Only Pro Dota 2 Gameplay Highlights Videos From T