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The Cutest Abomination Ever! Dark Souls 3 Ugly Character Creation (Dark Souls 3 Intro Gameplay PS4)
I played Dark Souls 3 and created a character. That#039;s actually all I do in this video. Part 2 should be out Saturday if I can actually will myself to do things. (so probably not) ★Twitter: https://twitter.com/tremavids ★Snapchat: Trema55 ★Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tremavids/ (you can search TremaVids) ★Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TremaVids/ ★Xbox Gamertag: Tremzies ★My other channel I never upload to: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSmfKf0hwPAwqWNQ96OoIGg ★If you need a network for
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