[4K] Assassin#039;s Creed Origins ndash; PC Very Low vs. Medium vs. Ultra High Graphics Comparison Frame Rate
GameStar PCs | Gaming PCs Notebooks: http://www.one.de/ Buy Assassin#039;s Creed Origins here (US): http://amzn.to/2i8Di80 Assassin#039;s Creed Origins hier kaufen (DE): http://amzn.to/2gGXkGf We compare the graphics of Assassin#039;s Creed Origins on PC with very low, medium and ultra high graphics. We played with 2160p 4K resolution. We show the frame rate with the help of msi afterburner / riva tuner. An overview of the settings can be found at the end of the video. --------------------- Wir vergleichen die Grafik