Particles Case Study - The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
In this first ever Visual Case Study, I attempt to recreate the bomb explosion effect from Wind Waker using Unity#039; s Shuriken particle system. Support me on Patreon: https://www. patreon. com/DanMoran Get the Assets for this Video here: http://danjohnmoran. com/TutorialAssets/particles_case_study_1_assets. unitypackage Music: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker OST - 2002 Kenta Nagata, Hajime Wakai, Toru Minegishi
٣ سال پیش
- # Game Development
- # unity3d
- # legend of zelda
- # Particles
- # Unity
- # Wind Waker
- # Programming
- # Particle Systems