Assassin#039; s Creed Unity - All 40 Sync Point Locations ( I Got Skills Trophy / Achievement Guide )
There are a total of 40 sync points in the game. Sync points can only be found in co - op missions! You need them to buy skills. This video will show you the locations of all 40 of them. As soon as you pick one up, it is saved forever and you will be able to use that point to upgrade skills. If you complete all the main story missions, all the co - op missions and find all 40 of these you will be able to max your skills out and unlock the "I got Skills" trophy / achievement. The order of this guide, i
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- # solution
- # Assassins
- # Nostradamus Enigma
- # Unity
- # ac unity
- # Guide
- # Assassin' s creed Unity