DO YOU STILL REMEMBER? Best Techies in Competitive Scenes by iceiceice, Aui_2000 and Kuroky Dota 2
SUBSCRIBES : https://goo. gl/R4jCTl My Playlist : The International Dota 2 : https://goo. gl/wKoyt1 Pro Player Highlights : https://goo. gl/Qik7VQ Sumiya Best Invoker : https://goo. gl/WUTkDg Twitch Moments : https://goo. gl/Jw27AL Dota 2 Indonesia Highlights : https://goo. gl/FMt4E3 Best Dota 2 Techies Player in Pro/Competitive Scenes Gameplay Aui_2000, iceiceice and Kuroky. Player Intro : - Aui_2000 TI5 EG Player Profile - iceiceice TI6 Ehome Player Profile - Kuroky TI7 Team Liquid Player Profile Player
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- # ti5
- # Dota2
- # kuroky
- # iceiceice
- # best player
- # ti6
- # aui_2000
- # Techies
- # competitive dota 2