Tyler1 vs Hashinshin - Shiphtur outplays Yassuo - Faker - LoL Daily Moments Ep 70
Daily League of Legends Moments with Fan submission clips and Streamer video highlights Help me reach 500.000 subscribes: https://goo.gl/67XVgg Credits: https://www.twitch.tv/shiphtur https://www.twitch.tv/perrkz https://www.twitch.tv/tobiasfate https://www.twitch.tv/hashinshin https://www.twitch.tv/yassuo https://www.twitch.tv/tfblade https://www.twitch.tv/iwilldominate https://www.twitch.tv/faker https://www.twitch.tv/caps1337mid https://www.twitch.tv/aphromoo https://www.twitch.tv/cowsep https://www.twit
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- # daily
- # lol daily moments
- # yassuo
- # tyler1
- # lol
- # Imaqtpie
- # Moments
- # faker
- # hashinshin