6 Things That Are OP In SoloQ But SUCK In LCS
League of Legends / LoL: 6 Things That Are OP In SoloQ But SUCK In LCS! Some things you can/should take advantage of, that pros don#039;t. ➥ Destiny 2 $300 GIVEAWAY: https://gleam.io/OEAoD/300-battlenet-credit-giveaway-5x-60 ➥ Check Out Our Destiny 2 Moments Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQnToVo7tbdx_7pNWeLGicQ?sub_confirmation=1 ► Ironside Computers - Click Here to Customize Your Own PC: http://ironsidecomputers.com/page.php?load=index League of Legends Production Music Courtesy of Epidemic