Just Cause 2 Gameplay
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the material shown or heard in this video. I made this video to show off some off the features from the just released game, Just Cause 2, enjoy. Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.80 GHz OCZ DDR3-1600 Tri-Kit @ 1600 MHz ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 2x Sapphire ATi Radeon HD4890 CrossFire 2x Hitachi 500GB @ 7200 rpm Windows 7 Ultimate x64 All of the settings are maxed out except the resolution which is set at 720p for recording purposes. My game runs smooth with V sync on and 1680 x
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- # gameplay
- # HD
- # Just Cause 2
- # 720p
- # high definition
- # eidos interactive
- # square enix
- # avalanche studios
- # 1080P