GTA IV is better than GTA V
This video is not about realism, it points out gameplay value along with minor details. Physics, gunfight, AI, melee combat, controls, interiors, multiplayer freedom. While GTA V has some obvious advantages from being a 2013 game, a lot of technical features and sanbox elements from GTA IV (2008) were missing such as crouch ability, holding onto ledges, picking up objects and much more. Those notable changes reduced all the unpredictable fun and made it an experience with less replay value. No mods were us

چی میگی بابا آدماش عین سگ جون دارن....از لحاظ رانندگی یکم بهتره و کلا تو قسمت ماشین سواری و مربوط به اون بهتره و اینکه اسلحش از دستش می افته خیلی با حاله و اینکه چیزارو از رو زمین بر میدارههم همینطور اما بالا رفتن از دیوار یکم عجیبه تازه خیلی هم خر جونه این نیکو....تیر ار پی جی هم باهاله ولی در کل آی وی یکم بهتره