Dota 2 Headshot - Ep. 133

Submit your clips at http://dotacinema. com/top10 Check out our stuff in the stores! Captains Draft 3. 0 Chest: http://www. dota2. com/store/itemdetail. . . DotaCinema Chest: http://www. dota2. com/store/itemdetail. . . Juggernaut: http://www. dota2. com/store/itemdetail. . . Pudge: http://www. dota2. com/store/itemdetail. . . Invoker: http://www. dota2. com/store/itemdetail. . . Sven: http://www. dota2. com/store/itemdetail. . . Created by w200me: https://twitter. com/w200me Songs: Blue Stahli - The Fall Blue Stahli - Down in Fla

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