Overwatch | Master Sombra ft CodeyNiku ( World #1 Sombra ) - Tips and Advice ( Guide )
►Follow Codey on Twitch: http://www. twitch. tv/codeyniku Sombra is a tricky hero to master. We grabbed our top 500 Sombra friend Codeyniku to talk about Sombra and provide some tips / advice. Enjoy! __ ► Need a new headset? Buy this one and support us! http://hyperx. gg/StingerOWC [AD] ► Send in your own clips: http://goo. gl/forms/JsizriSpRL __ Follow us! ►Twitch: http://www. twitch. tv/overwatchcentral ►Twitter: https://twitter. com/OWCentral ►Google+: https://plus. google. com/+OverwatchCentral __ Music: Epi
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