Ryzen 5 2400G Review Gears of War 4 OC Gameplay Benchmark Test
Support my work (and request tests): https://www.patreon.com/techepiphany AMD Ryzen 4 2400G Review Gears of War 4 All Ryzen 5 2400G Tests: http://bit.ly/2EoKgDK All Ryzen 3 2200G Tests: http://bit.ly/2nWT1dU Turns out GoW4 is not able to allocate more VRAM than set in the BIOS. Also it wont start if you have the default setting (256MB) in the bios Playing on integrated graphics Vega 11 1600Mhz Recorded with external capture device Ryzen CPU with VEGA Graphics ONBOARD! Will it play? Gaming Murah Ceria Deng