Tekken 7 World Tour - LowHigh (Law) vs Super Akuma (Akuma) (FGC Poland)
Tekken 7 World Tour - LowHigh (Law) vs Super Akuma (Akuma) (FGC Poland). Credits to Bandai Namco`s Tekken World Tour 2018 (https://tekkenworldtour.com/) and their official stream (https://www.twitch.tv/tekken), http://fgchallenge.com, the commentators and ofc the players. Full Tournament VOD`s on the Bandai Namco Official FightChannel. If you see your copyright infringed by this Video, tell me and I will take down the video immediately.
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- # Fated Retribution
- # gameplay
- # Tekken 7 FR
- # PS4
- # Meloo
- # Guide
- # tekken 7
- # Akuma Guide